Bridging the Green Divide: Strategies to Close the Global Green Finance Gap

Website Article2024 15

Sustainable investments have seen remarkable growth in recent years, reflecting a shift in investment strategies. The world faces a stark reality to achieving ambitious climate goals requires a massive shift towards sustainable practices. Green finance, the investment and financial activities that support environmentally friendly projects, plays a critical role in this transition. However, a significant […]

Tracking Progress of Global Sustainable Investments

Website Article2024 14

Sustainable investments have seen remarkable growth in recent years, reflecting a shift in investment strategies. These strategies now prioritize not only financial returns but also environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. It has become a mainstream approach, recognizing that long-term prosperity is linked to addressing global challenges. As per the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), […]

Investments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sectoral Sustainability

Website Article2024 13

AI (Artificial intelligence) – a modern technology – enables intelligent and reactive machines, computers, and robots to perform tasks more quickly and precisely, compared to humans. It has strong potential to boost sustainability in diverse sectors including the economic levels of a nation. AI makes the sustainable growth of industries possible by facilitating the management […]

Unveiling Sustainable Infrastructure Trends in Asia

Website Article2024 12

The Asian continent faces a pivotal moment. Rapid urbanization, coupled with economic growth, presents a unique challenge: building infrastructure that fuels development while safeguarding the environment and fostering long-term resilience. Sustainable infrastructure development –  infrastructure that minimizes environmental and social impacts while meeting the needs of present and future generations – is paramount for a […]

Bridging the ESG Data Gap: Strategies for Informed Investment Decisions

Website Article2024 11

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are rapidly becoming an essential consideration for investors and fund managers.  This shift is driven by a growing recognition of the impact these factors have on a company’s long-term performance, as well as increasing investor demand for sustainable investments. However, navigating the landscape of ESG data remains a significant […]

Insights of Investing in Climate Tech

Website Article2024 10

Climate tech refers to technology that addresses, measures, and mitigates the challenges of climate change, with solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance carbon sinks, adapt to the impacts of climate change and support the low-carbon economy transition. Examples of climate tech solutions are renewable energy projects, carbon capture and storage technologies, smart grids, electric […]

Insights on Investment in Health Technology

Website Article2024 9

Health technology (healthtech) is a rapidly growing sector that has seen a surge in investment in recent years, accelerated since 2020 by the pandemic. Investment in health-tech organizations hit an all-time high amid the pandemic, according to a report by Deloitte, and shows no sign of decreasing. Investment in 2020 was close to USD22bn, double […]

Demystifying Investments: Understanding Private Equity vs. Venture Capital

Website Article2024 8

The world of finance can be complex, especially when it comes to investment strategies. Two prominent players in this arena are private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC). While both involve investing in companies, they differ significantly in their target markets, investment timelines, and risk profiles. This article delves into the key differences between PE […]

Exploring the Fund of Funds Opportunity in Private Equity

Website Article2024 7

The allure of private markets for investors seeking superior returns compared to public equities is undeniable. However, venturing into this complex and opaque domain can be daunting, especially for those without extensive experience or substantial capital. This is where the fund-of-funds (FoF) approach emerges as a potent ally, offering a powerful entry point for investors […]

Climate Tech Investment Headwinds and Tailwinds in 2024

Website Article2024 5

The urgency to address climate change has never been greater. As the world grapples with extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss, the need for innovative solutions is paramount. Climate tech, encompassing a diverse range of technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate impacts, has emerged as a critical […]