Demystifying Sustainability: Clean Tech vs. Green Tech

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In the face of pressing environmental challenges, the terms “clean technology” and “green technology” have become familiar. These terms are often used interchangeably, but there are key distinctions.  Both represent advancements aimed at a more sustainable future, but they address environmental issues from slightly different angles. Understanding them can guide your investment decisions and contribute […]

Accelerating Cleantech Innovation and Investment

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The transition to a clean economy is gaining momentum, driven by significant investments and technological advancements. Investment in clean energy has surged since 2020, with spending on renewable power, grids, and storage now exceeding total spending on oil, gas, and coal. According to the IEA’s annual World Energy Investment report, global energy investment is predicted […]

The Role of Private Investment in Decarbonizing Global Value Chains

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Did you know that half of global trade emissions come from complex global value chains? At Gunung Capital, a leading asset management firm focused on sustainable investing, we believe private capital has a critical role to play in transforming these chains and building a more resilient future. As the urgency of climate action intensifies, decarbonizing […]

Aligning Wealth with Values: Impact Investing & Sustainable Finance for Private Investors

Website Article2024 23

The financial landscape is evolving. Today, private investors are increasingly seeking opportunities to align their wealth with their values. This trend has fueled the rise of impact investing and sustainable finance, offering a strategic approach that delivers both financial returns and positive social and environmental impact. Impact Investing: Measurable Change with Market Returns Impact investing […]

Value Creation Strategies for Manufacturing Investments

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The manufacturing industry is vital to the global economy, driving innovation, employment, and trade. It forms the backbone of countless industries, supplying the essential materials and components that fuel progress and development. Alvarez & Marsal’s report highlights a 36% annual growth in manufacturing deals in Southeast Asia since 2018, driven by private equity. This surge […]

The Rise and Promise of Infrastructure Secondaries

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Infrastructure secondaries, once a niche area of the investment landscape, have steadily gained prominence in recent years, driven by growing investor interest and a robust market environment. The market for infrastructure secondaries has witnessed notable expansion, reflecting the broader trend of increased secondary market activity across various asset classes. According to Global Infrastructure Hub’s report, […]

A Look at the Gaps in The Family Offices

Website Article2024 20

The family office landscape has seen a significant transformation in recent years, marked by a surge in global wealth and the evolving needs of ultra-wealthy families. While this growth presents exciting opportunities, it also brings challenges that family offices must address to remain relevant and competitive in the industry. One key challenge facing the family […]

Family Offices Performance Review: Trends and Insights

Website Article2024 19

Family offices, wealth management firms that cater to the specific needs of ultra-high-net-worth families, are experiencing a boom. As wealth continues to concentrate at the top, the demand for sophisticated wealth preservation and growth strategies increases. The number of established family offices is on the rise globally. It was driven by multiple factors such as […]

A Focus on Human Capital and Strategic Transformation for PE Value Creation

Website Article2024 18

The private equity (PE) landscape is undergoing a significant shift. Traditional methods of value creation, heavily reliant on leverage and financial engineering, are being challenged by economic uncertainties. The PE industry is undergoing a paradigm shift. Bain’s analysis shows revenue growth has been the primary driver of returns, accounting for 53% over the past decade. […]

The Booming Secondary Market is Changing Private Equity

Website Article2024 16

The private equity landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, with a surprising area leading the charge, the secondaries market. This market, which facilitates the buying and selling of existing private equity holdings, is experiencing a surge in activity, fueled by a confluence of factors. This trend signifies a fundamental shift in how investors approach private […]